Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Year's Resolutions!

It really is that time of year again! We are ALL looking at the New Year as a chance at a "New Beginning". I will ask the question, "What are you going to commit to this year that is going to be different from last year, and WHY?"

Did you make the mental note, "I'll eat better this year."
Did you make the mental note, "I'll exercise more this year."
Did you make the mental note, "I'll take better care of myself this year."

How about a new approach this year. Lets ask one more question, bare with me. "What will truly inspire you this year to take physical action to your health this year?"

What will truly INSPIRE YOU to want this more this year then last?

Your the amazingly unique number one and only ONE! You can transform your life exactly the way you want it. Remember, to visualize the outcome.
See in your minds eye what that body will look like. What will those new jeans look like? What will your mind be telling you when you look into the mirror?
"You look MARVELOUS!"

This year I'll ask you to take your self care just one step further, find where your inspiration is in you. Define it. Keep it with you and know that it will not fail you. Define what action you'll take that brings it true. Define what is making this vision real. The more you look at it, define it, the true you can SEE it and embrace the change.

Don't look back. Look ahead. Forgive the insignificant choices you choose to leave behind. Embrace the new vision of what is true and real for today.

Happy New Year.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Better vs. Different

There is a great little read called "Selling the Invisible" by Harry Beckwith.
Years ago I started my personal training business as a means to stay attached to my goal of supporting clients whom themselves are trying to stay attached to there goals. I knew I needed help in "selling" me so one day I picked up this little gray book. Today, as I still reflect and ponder the writings in my little book I revisited a fantastic chapter, Getting Better vs Getting Different.
This comes at a great time! We as a culture of constant change need to be ready, willing and able to change! Be different!! As I get ready to move my Nutritional Coaching over to Life Coaching I remembered the key: BE DIFFERENT!! We are all individuals with independent minds, creators waiting to be exposed!  I want to hit the industry, better but DIFFERENT will only do.
My Bog: Latter to Growth is edging closer and closer to finding its difference, with a little grace of change, a dash of refining, a pinch of better and last but not least a BLAST of DIFFERENT will complete the recipe.
I leave you today with the quote of today:

"If your shop doesn't come in, swim out to it."
~Jonathan Winters

Thanks for reading, thanks for being different.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Look at our Youths they bring change

When i look back at my childhood i could count on one hand the amazing adults that were in my life and changed my life. They contributed to my life by just being there and giving me as an adolescent "time".

Where in our life today do we grant our youth's time? Do we give what was given to us? Do we understand our youth like we were understood?

Where in the generation that is growing under our noses do we give?

I have a thought. We are so challenged today by the misunderstood youth/teen that i tend to believe we are missing an opportunity to understand. As we use to be lead by our "leaders", "mentors", "teachers", "church", "community", we were given a chance to learn, understand, and be understood.

Today, I'm not so sure our youth are given that. Are we looking to them and offering our leadership? Are we offering them a chance to fail, learn, succeed?

Where are our youths goals? Do we support? Do we listen? Do we know what there voice sounds like?  Today is very different then it was a generation ago. We as a community, family, school, church are ignoring this very misunderstood group of amazing youths.

They are growing up with an internal voice that should be external.
They are growing up with internal values that should be external.
They are growing up with lessens that are internal that should be external.

I wonder where we can step up and begin to bridge the gap. I wonder where we can slow down to open up our minds and hearts to hear their internal dialogue and ask to bring it out, externally.

Where would you begin?

I'll ask my kids, "Where is your voice today? Can you share it with me? Unconditionally.

Any thoughts?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Release the Golden Handcuffs

The title "Release the Golden Handcuffs" came from a phrase i found in a great little read called: Happy, by Ian K. Smith. In this book I have made some profound connections with my own life. Sometimes you read on in books hoping to find a connection and some "enlighten" statements, and it just doesn't always happen. I had to explain why i think this is.
Where we are on any given day can be, putting it mildly, over the top crazy!
So, the day i picked this book up i really had no intentions of having any revelations, just loved the look of the book! Really, it just spoke to me, and of course the title is a bit catchy: "Happy".

So as i read i do have occasional wow moments and sometimes i just really don't even know what i read. That is normal, right?
Today, i felt like writing, i feel like sharing this piece of "Happy" because i think it speaks to me now and i wonder if it speaks to anyone else. Here you go. This is what i got:

How much does materialism distract you from the important things in life?
I am looking at large properties, large car bills, large credit card bills, all of which, at some point, were subconsciously taught, were virtues of materialism and brands of necessity.

We associate brands with status and status with instantly  recognizable admiration.  I grew up with very modest means, i also grew up noticing the very stark difference between them and me. Them being the wealthy "status" me being the modest "status".

I desired as a child to fill my "status" with the materials they had, i would work hours to earn enough for the izod shirt, the new sneakers with that fancy swish!

Today, i understand that in my youth, i wanted something that stated and gave me "status". I didn't consider any of the qualities "status" may have i only saw a sort of designer need.
Today, i also understand i have an obligation to move these believes around a bit to be fully aware where they may be still playing out. I could become handcuffed to the idea of having the brands that are understood as "status" but i wonder what it all means today. Does owning that Louis Vutton really make me a "cut above the rest" or part of some special society that only we Louis owners belong? Do my possessions represent who i am?
Here is what i know today, today i have some leftover "status" believes that are hard to break.  I have some clear need to search for that understanding. I truly want to raise my children in a reality that items, things, materials are only pieces of a marketed and materialized advertising that says "buy me" all the time!  I want them to know the real "status" is what lies deep within them that will be seen only by those whom connect with them at a heart level. Your "status" is something that belongs to you while on this earth that is to be shared with all that are in need. Can we start to shed the material "status" and grow the internal "status" that can't be bought.
Today, i see my "status" under construction. I am searching for ways of moving out of the "Golden Handcuffs" and moving toward a "status" of the heart.

Moments like this are what make me "Happy".


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Life can be fulfilling. But when are you full?

I was reading some interesting articles based on lifestyle and life. What really struck me was the understanding (or lack there of) life. When you ask yourself are you living a fulfilling life? Many questions may come up, they did for me.
So i started reading more. I found a profound statement:

"A Great Life is Attractive; a Lifestyle is Usually Seductive" ~

So i have to ask do we know the distinctions: attraction vs. seduction?
Here are some great finds from statements made by Thomas Leonard.

A life is based on YOU. A lifestyle is based on externals.

To be fulfilled is to radiate your positive feeling consistently. To be gratified is to consume experiences, resources, or people.

Finally there is one that made all the clarity to me, and an enlightening statement that i shall carry with me until i master the meaning.

A fulfilling life sustains YOU; you don't have to manage IT.

Don't get me wrong, i desire to live an amazing life. I do have a responsibility to myself while here to know the difference between love and lust.
Life and lifestyle can move together beautifully as long as your intention and clarity are in focus. Not letting lust be a servant, and allowing love to be abundantly open and free. A practice which will take close attention at all times.

I'll leave you with this today.

"Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be attained only by someone who is detached." ~ Simone Weil


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Visualization, you'll be surprised!

None of us are given visions for our lives that we can't fulfill-

whether it's having a healthier body or a loving relationship or a more satisfying job or making a difference in the world.  If we didn't have the ability to fulfill an authentic desire, we wouldn't have the desire in the first place.

Your mind (brain) doesn't know the difference between fiction and fantasy, dream and reality. If you've created it then it must be true.

Make a vision map, let go of fleeting desires, hold on to the pure true thoughts that are your authentic self. You will have choices along the way stay focused and intent on what you want. Be determined to take action and support your goal.

Our souls wouldn't yearn for the experience, and we wouldn't continue to long for it year after year.
You have choices and you have a desire combine the two and become even more focused. Keep on pursuit, keep on the path, and never let the "gremlins" take you down a different path.

Start small if the mind is in doubt. Nurture the visions to becoming realities, then the visions become larger and your ability to follow them with true intentions become alive, real and true.

Dream On!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Why not today?

Many times we are weighted down emotionally around our "to do" items. We think of this list as a "chore" and a "drag". When we choose to take this perspective we can see the thought of a chore is certainly a negative thought.
When we take a moment to re frame the thought with a different tone of intention, we might feel a bit different about our to do list.

Lets place a new word to define our to do list could be called Done or Released!
Just saying the word "DONE" we get a sense that it is a positive action, not a negative one. Many times we look at our list, our responsibilities with a negative thought to it when in reality, just change the thought to a new "word" of a positive nature will make the list look very different.

A nice treat to yourself would be to ask yourself a question, "Is there other areas in my life that I have attached negative words to that create a negative thought?"

Today, look for the opportunity to find a new word. Look for your emotions to shift around a "chore"! You may be pleasantly surprised by your new outlook on the very innocent "to do list". You may even begin to look at it as your Get It DONE list!!

Step into it with just changing one word. Be present to the possibly shift.

This was a small step on our "Latter to Growth".

